Twin.Macro Readme Examples

These are all of the examples from the twin.macro readme, slightly modified to work with react-live.

Take me back to the playground.

<input tw="border hover:border-black" />
const hasHover = true;
render(<input css={[tw`border`, hasHover && tw`hover:border-black`]} />)
const hasHover = true;
const hoverStyles = css`
&:hover {
border-color: black;
const Input = ({ hasHover }) => (
<input css={[tw`border`, hasHover && hoverStyles]} />
<Input hasHover={true} placeholder={"hover true"} />
<Input hasHover={false} placeholder={"hover false"} />
const Input = tw.input`border hover:border-black`
render(<Input />)
const Input = tw.input`border hover:border-black`
const PurpleInput = tw(Input)`border-purple-500`
render(<PurpleInput />)
const StyledInput = styled.input(({ hasBorder }) => [
`color: black;`,
hasBorder && tw`border border-purple-500`,
const Input = (props) => <StyledInput {...props} />
<Input hasBorder={true} placeholder={"border true"} />
<Input hasBorder={false} placeholder={"border false"} />
const StyledInput = styled.input`
color: black;
${({ hasBorder }) => hasBorder && tw`border border-purple-500`}
const Input = (props) => <StyledInput {...props} />
<Input hasBorder={true} placeholder={"border true"} />
<Input hasBorder={false} placeholder={"border false"} />